Wednesday, April 19, 2006

feelings come when night befall..

initally, wanted to blog at night...cos i got more things to say at idea why? but wasnt that free at night...
i watch two television made me realise something while the other make me yearn for something...

realise...yupz..i realise alot of people regret along the path where they grow up.. doing alot of things that make them regret while thinking back... i DO! i always dramatic mistake..okie..maybe things might still be the same, maybe not..but still i regret...when i always think back..DAMM! how stupid i was the most most damm most regretful thing i must admit i did...seriously hate myself for navie and stupid i was...hell damm!! though i cant turn back time, i still cant accept the stupid me...because of that, it affected alot of my life..
i regret alot on my last year of seconday school, my studies, my family, my friends and all relationship that present... i would have score better if i did study..**** when i always think back all this thing, i still have anger inside me..because i seriously think how come i can be so stupid and seriously stupid..argh..damm...forget it.. when attachment starts i bet i don have the time to think of so many things..other things will occupy my mind rather than things that have passed..

oh..i did mention something that i yearn for...but i think it is decreasing as time is so hard to predict..i am easily touched by seeing romance story...okie..i know that all cant be real or it is hard to be real...always falling in love with the leading actor inside each show..u really can feel the happines and the love they had for each sweet and happy..always yearning that someone like this leading actor or that leading actor will appear...often i will dumped myself with the story of the i still a girl? no! i want to grow up to be a lady..hahah...alright..yesterday was sort of my last time doing closing at store..though didnt really had a good time..but at least i work with working with her..sometimes customers can make my day or can even ruin my day..yesterday was alright..i will miss closing shift and working with many other partners...argh..i will miss out alot of fun which i hate to..but no choice i have attachment to go...

oh...there wont be seeing me in school...wondering whether to get back to playing netball?? miss bumpin into friends in school...hmm...of course miss the two idiots lahz..jiayi and cher..stupid them..i will make them visit me everyday! haha...

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