Friday, February 19, 2010

No idea why I choose to read my past posts today. Never fail that I will always end up full of emotions everytime. Suddenly, the past things I did, past words I said, past feelings I felt flashing in my mind. In recent years, I really faced a terrible memory loss. But, all the past events recurred in my mind.

I sunk to the bottom again, not because I changed drastically but I am angry with myself that I did not keep any happy things in my memory but choose to keep all the sad ones.

I used to be a frequent and typical blogger that narrates what I did for the day. I am glad I did so. Only this allows me to remember many good events in my life and I have so many to apologize too.

Thank you jiayi for making my poly life this wonderful!
Sorry jiayi that my changed caused us to drift further.

Thank you meijie for the times we once had.
Sorry meijie that for some reasons we are not close anymore.

Thank you luo, kenneth, baolong, Vinson and Joel for sticking with me for 12 years!
Sorry to certain people that I choose to stay away from.

Thank you "green gang" for making my poly life a tremendous happy and eventful times!

Thank you yen wei for beliving that I am a good netball player.

I know I once cherish you guys more than myself. But finally, I understand all this happen because of my change! How I wish while I changed I still kept the happy me inside. Apparently, I definitely didn't do so.

Suddenly, there are so many past events that flashed in my mind that I totally forgot, all the happy times spent but because of certain actions I only choose to remember all the hurtful events.
I know I want to be me and I know part of my past wasn't me.

Now I am who I want to be however to a certain extent I lost a part of my past.

Everyone leads a different life but only she could convince me and only she that I am able totake in the advise! I am lucky to her that help me found me!

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